World Youth Day – Press Release
World Youth FUNday & World Youth Sunday
“Mary arose and went with haste” (based on Lk 1:39)
The theme, which we share with Flame 2023, reflects a call to stand up again, together, to find fresh strength and to help others to rise up too. It reminds us that as young people we must commit again to use the energy, gifts, talents we have in new ways.
In August 2023 Pope Francis will gather with hundreds of thousands of young people for World Youth Day, in Lisbon, and the theme there is the verse from Luke’s Gospel: “Mary arose and left with haste (Lk 1:38).“ Our theme is consciously linked to this.
In November 2020, Pope Francis called for a relaunch of World Youth Day (previously celebrated annually on Palm Sunday) and moving forward asks the global Catholic community to celebrate locally on the Solemnity of Christ the King, which on this year falls on Sunday the 20th of November 202
World Youth Day Newsletter insert
In November 2020, Pope Francis called for a relaunch of World Youth Day (previously celebrated annually on Palm Sunday) and moving forward asks the global Catholic community to celebrate locally on the Solemnity of Christ the King.
It will be a day for the world to recognise and celebrate young people in our local church communities, whether that be through school, at home, or of course in church. For us, in England and Wales, there will be a number of resources made available for all settings including home, school, parish, university and individual.
Everyone is also invited to join in with World Youth FUNday on Friday, 18th November, a live interactive day of quizzes, prayer, input and activities for schools and families, all live streamed on the CYMFed YouTube channel and to participate in local activities using the WYD resources on Sunday 20th November 2022
Please keep an eye on our communication channels, especially instagram, twitter and facebook for further updates and to engage in exclusive online content: